What Is the Best Red Stain Removal Method?
What Is the Best Red Stain Removal Method?
No one likes a red stain. It can be the worst thing that could ever happen to your carpet! It’s a hot summer day, and you decide to serve your children Cherry Kool-Aid. Goofing around, horseplay, running, and before you know it there’s red Kool-Aid all over your carpet! “Oh, great how do I get this out now,” is usually the first panicked thought that runs through your mind. There are actually many scenarios including blood, red wine, or any red liquid that cause panic to set in for a homeowner with carpet. Do not fear, it is not the end of the world for your carpet.
Removing Red Stains: Can I Do It Myself?
There are many different home remedies for red carpet stain removal. Like hydrogen peroxide, alkaline water, club soda, ammonia, and even WD-40. If you have tried these remedies, you’re probably ripping your hair out right now because they won’t work! You probably have a large pink stain on your carpet now where there used to be a much smaller red one. Or worse you’ve harmed yourself in some way with a combination of chemicals that shouldn’t be combined.
Getting Rid of Red Stains: So Now What?
These home remedies are a bad idea and will either make the stain worse, be harmful to your carpet, or harmful to you. Regardless of the scenario, if you need Kool-Aid stain removal, red wine stain removal, or really any red stain removal from your carpet, call a professional first! We have the right carpet cleaning products and techniques for red stain removal. These chemicals are not harmful to you or your carpet, and in most cases are even environmentally friendly. If you have a drastic red stain you need to remove, remember you can still call a professional carpet cleaner to help remove any stain
Do you need to remove a dark stain from your carpet? Steamy Concepts has you covered. Contact Steamy Concepts today in Tucson by calling 520-282-4444 or in Phoenix by calling 602-748-4448 or schedule online right away!
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